Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social and emotional growth: 2-3 years

The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child’s life. Your child will have a strong foundation for her development if she can manage her own feelings, understand others’ feelings and needs, and interact positively with others.

" Two-year-olds enjoy playing alongside other children, but usually keep to themselves. Although your child is starting to build his independence, he still very much needs your help – especially when conflicts arise, as you’ll need to step in to calm everyone down and teach appropriate behaviours. " Comfort objects like blankets or teddy bears can help two-year-olds cope with new situations or strong emotions.

Emotional development
- Your child will extend trusting relationships to other adults and to children with whom he plays frequently. - - He’ll show preferences for these adults and children – for example, he might hug a friend when he arrives at preschool, or go to his favourite child care worker for comfort after a fall on the playground.
- Your child will show a strong sense of self as an individual. For example, she’ll say ‘No!’ to an adult’s request, simply to assert herself.
- Your child will recognise feelings when emotions are labelled by adult. For example, when his teacher says, - ‘I know you feel scared about that’, your child might calm down a bit.
- She’ll increase her understanding and use of language related to emotions, and will be beginning to label feelings she recognises in herself and others. For example, she might say, ‘Mummy happy now’ or ‘Why you cross, Papa?’
- Your child will continue to find it hard to regulate his emotions – as a result, he might get frustrated and have the occasional tantrum. He’ll use a wider range of coping strategies, such as comfort objects or words that label feelings, but will still need a great deal of adult support.

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