Learning Buzz

Learning Buzz
For your child Sucess!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Hugging makes your body produce oxytocin, a 'feel-good' hormone. Research in the USA found that one 20-second hug a day makes children and parents feel happier and less stressed.

It has also been proven that kids who are hugged often are very expressive and warm, while those who aren't hugged very much or aren't shown affection by their family usually grow up putting a distance between themselves and other people.

Hugging shows a child you love them. It's a gesture of affirmation, appreciation, and acknowledgement.

You'll be surprised at what a hug can do:-

1. Opening up the doors of communication.

2. Affirms love and acceptance.

3. Builds self-esteem.

4. Bridges generation gaps.

5. Heads off potential conflicts.

6. Makes people less defensive.

7. Shows kindness and compassion.

8. Demonstrates respect and value.

9. Sets an example of patience and tolerance.

10. Rejuvenates your day.

11. Makes being a parent all worthwhile.

So hug your child today and everyday!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Feed your child right

Troubled over your sick child?

1) Use familiar and well-liked foods (not to try new food)

2) Use differently coloured foods and pretty dished to make the food look attractive
*Different colored vegetables look nice than one large serving of the same vegetable

3) Serve only small portions. Individual portions more attractive than taking food from the family dish.

4) Straws make milk *drinking fun and also help to prevent spillages.

5) Serve food in convenient bite-sized pieces to avoid child hang to bite or cut.
* Toast can be cut into small fingers ideal for dipping into a soft-boiled egg.

Milk : Any form is suitable ( ice-cream, custards, milk shakes as dessert)

Eggs : Easy to digest , valuable source of protein,iron & other nutrients

Cereals : Infant cereals mixed with milk, liquidised oats

Porridge and noodle soups : Congee, macaroni cooked in clear soups are easy to digest, help to boost fluid and energy intakes.

Fruits : Excellent source of vitamin C and should be given to your child at least once a day.( Freshly squeezed orange juice )

Meat and fish: Lightly cooked liver, chicken or fish can be sieved or blended and added to soups or stews)

Soups : Plain stock can be enriched by adding vegetables or meat purees and some milk.

When your child has been off his food for a long time , it may be advisable to give him mineral supplement, which your doctor can prescribe.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is your child on the correct track?

Is your child on the correct track?

Characteristics of a child below 2

3 months: Smiles at any face

Parents should provide familiar faces for the child to smile at.

6 months: Smiles at selective people and they put everything into mouth.

Parents should avoid constantly changing caregivers. Ensure that objects that the baby puts into the mouth are safe and nontoxic.

9 months: Sits up on his own, fearful to strangers but have close mother-child relationship.

Let the toddler sit in places where he can see many things. Avoid having strangers make a sudden appearance on the child. Mother should make a point to spend time with the child especially if they have started working.

1 year: Try to stands and drools less often.

Allow surfaces for the child to hold on to for support such as using walkers and should stop using the baby bib.

18 months: Kids start walking

Make sure the floor is safe and nonslip to prevent falls. Limit the areas where the child can explore safely.

2 years: Learn to talk, self-fed, toilet trained. They will start to develop conscience, resistant and stubborn, notice three-person relationship, sibling rivalry and Ignores danger.

Let the child explore within independence by allowing safe limits. Encourage independence by allowing the child to try things out under supervision.